Results on statement vote

The vote on whether our union should adopt this statement on Columbia University’s response to the situation in Gaza, which was proposed by some members at our November membership meeting, has concluded as of 12:00pm today. Postdocs and Associate Researchers at Columbia University cast a total of 284 ballots. Union members voted with a plurality of 48.3% to not have the union endorse the drafted statement on Gaza.

Members voted as follows:

  • 41% Voted in favor of adopting the statement 
  • 48.3% Voted against adopting the statement
  • 10.7% Voted to abstain 

In solidarity,

CPW-UAW Elections Committee

Message from the Executive Board

We understand that some of you may be disappointed with these recent results. As a relatively young Local, we acknowledge that we are still learning how to conduct difficult conversations. 

During our latest membership meetings, members expressed their commitment to establishing the Civil and Human Rights Committee. This committee aims to foster discussions, bringing together members of our Local, from various countries and cultures who share a common passion for science and research. The committee will focus on exploring how researchers in academia can contribute to promoting peace, social justice, and human rights in our community and at large. 

We invite any interested members to sign up to participate in these important discussions and contribute to the work of the Civil and Human Rights Committee. Your involvement will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our Local and advancing our shared goals.

We want to emphasize that, as a democratic organization, every member has the right to propose initiatives to enhance our Local. Whether it’s suggesting amendments to the bylaws (Article 21), proposing discussions or votes at membership meetings, or suggesting the formation of new working groups and committees, your input is crucial to our collective growth. This is particularly relevant as we approach elections for several positions in our Executive Board and stewards.

Your union is shaped by all of us collectively, and we encourage each member to be aware of their rights and actively engage in the democratic processes that guide our organization.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our union. Together, we can create a stronger, more inclusive community that reflects the diverse perspectives and experiences of all our members.

In Solidarity, 

CPW-UAW Executive Board


Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and join our and Slack​.

Vote and forward to colleagues + addressing concerns about the process

This is a reminder about the vote on whether to accept or reject this statement on Columbia University’s response to the situation in Gaza. Voting will close tomorrow Wednesday at noon (12pm). We have received communication that several members did not receive the link to vote. Please, forward this email to your colleagues to make sure they have the chance to participate. 

The vote is a secret ballot and only the two postdocs elected to the Elections Committee will have access to the results and will provide summaries of the votes. No other postdocs/ARSs will see how you voted.
Please, follow this link to vote: Yes, No or Abstain. For the statement to be endorsed it must receive a majority (50+1%) yes vote out of the total votes cast.


The Vote will close on Wednesday November 22nd at 12 PM (noon)

Addressing concerns raised by members about the process: 

As Executive Board of the local we want to be transparent about  the shortcomings in which this discussion and vote has been conducted. As a young union (only three years old) we have only limited experience and resources to handle discussions on difficult topics. It is incredibly important, and we deeply appreciate everyone who has shared thoughts as we try to learn together how to better take democratic decisions in our Union. 

We want to bring to your attention that several members submitted amendments in good faith assuming that they would be discussed before a vote at the membership meeting last Thursday. The Executive Board did not write nor manage the feedback process for the statement – including the Google Form requesting amendments emailed on November 15. Over the past two weeks, Eboard members have been catching up on research, addressing issues arising from the new contract, fulfilling legal obligations of the local, and attending to members’ workplace concerns – all issues that were temporarily set aside during contract negotiations-. This must not serve as an excuse, but just an explanation. Upon receiving the request from members to discuss this matter – which is every union member’s right – we provided the platform to do so. However, we recognize that we have been hands-off in a process that should have been overseen, and this was a misstep on our part. We sincerely apologize.

We acknowledge that as elected members, the Executive Board bears the responsibility of ensuring all voices are heard. We hope this experience serves the Local to learn and improve future discussions.

In solidarity, 

CPW-UAW Executive Board


Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and join our and Slack​.

Vote whether our union should adopt this statement on Columbia University’s response to the situation in Gaza

This is a correction of the previous email regarding the length of the vote. The vote will last 3 working days (not calendar days as stated in the previous email). Therefore the vote will close on Wednesday November 22nd at 12pm (noon). See more details below.

At our membership meeting yesterday members decided to put the following statement regarding Columbia University’s response to the situation in Gaza for an online vote for 3 days. Only votes of members will be considered.

Please, follow this link to vote: Yes, No or Abstain whether our union should adopt the statement regarding Columbia University’s response to the situation in Gaza.


The Vote will close on Wednesday November 22nd at 12 PM (noon)

At our membership meeting yesterday members decided to put the following statement  regarding Columbia University’s response to the situation in Gaza for an online vote for 3 days. Only votes of members will be considered. 

Please, follow this link to vote: Yes, No or Abstain whether our union should adopt the following statement regarding the situation in Gaza. 


The Vote will close on Sunday November 12th at 11:59pm

In solidarity, 

Executive Board and Organizing committee


Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and join our and Slack​.

Membership meeting tomorrow 11/16/23 at 6:30pm

You should receive the $1,200 lump sum bonus on your paycheck for Nov 15th or, if you are a Fellow, in a special paycheck for November 17th. Please reach out if you can’t see it! 

Remember that our November membership meeting is tomorrow, Thursday 11/16/23 at 6:30pm both in person (CUMC, Morningside or Zuckerman Institute) and zoom

RSVP here to attend in person or zoom

We will have our Finance and Executive Board reports (including updates on contract implementation) and an announcement from the Elections Committee about elections for the Executive Board and stewards positions in our Local. 

In addition, some members want to present this statement regarding the situation in Gaza to discuss and vote whether our Local should endorse it. In order to conduct the discussion and vote in a productive manner we propose the following structure (but remember that as a member you can propose an alternative at the beginning of the meeting)

  • Please, read the statement before the meeting.
  • We will start with a reading of the statement followed by 10 min of members speaking in favor and against the statement.
    • If you want to speak, feel free to prepare 30 seconds of points. Not everyone will be able to speak unless we all vote to lengthen the meeting. 
  • You can propose changes/deletions/additions (amendments) to the statement or you can propose an alternative statement.
    • All proposed changes and/or alternative statements will be considered and voted by members at the meeting and if approved the final statement that will be put for a vote will be the amended one. 
  • At the meeting you can also propose alternative ways of voting

You can submit any changes you’d like into this form for consideration and vote of members at the meeting.

  • At the meeting we will vote yes/no/abstain on the motion made by members to put the statement to a vote by all union members via an online form over the course of 3 days. Voting in favor of putting the statement to a vote is NOT a vote to endorse the statement. For example,
    • You can vote in favor of opening the online vote and then vote online against endorsing the statement. 
    • You can vote against putting the statement for a vote and, if members agree to put it to a vote, still vote in favor of the statement. 
    • You can Abstain from the initial vote, and still decide to vote for or against the statement if it ends up going to a vote.

In order to conduct our meeting in an orderly fashion we will follow parliamentary rules (or Robert rules of order). You can find a cheat sheet here. However, remember that if you want to propose anything at the meeting and don’t know how we are all there to help.

In solidarity, 

Executive Board and Organizing committee


Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and join our and Slack​.

Membership meeting next Thursday 11/16/23 at 6:30pm

We will have our November membership meeting next Thursday 11/16/23 at 6:30pm both in person (CUMC, Morningside or Zuckerman Institute) and zoom

RSVP here to attend in person or zoom

Among topics proposed to discuss at this meeting: 

  • Finance and Executive Board report (including tentative timeline for the implementation of the new contract)
  • Announcement of Union Local Elections for Executive Board and Steward positions
  • As per members’ request, discussion on the Local endorsing the solidarity statement below regarding the current situation in Gaza.
    • Click here to read the statement that will be discussed at the membership meeting.
    • At the meeting,  we will additionally establish how will we vote on whether or not to endorse the statement. 
    • The current proposal is that online voting will open after the membership meeting for 3 days, after which, if the statement is approved, it will be made public. However, this method of endorsing the statement is also open to discussion and revision at the membership meeting. 
  • And bring any other suggestions!

In solidarity, 

Executive Board and Organizing committee


Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and join our and Slack​.

Join the Majority – Sign Up for our Union Now

Over the past year, researchers joined together to win millions of dollars in improvements we deserve from Columbia University, one of the wealthiest academic institutions in the world. That collective voice and power reflects the growing majority membership of Postdocs/ARSs in our union, resulting in the ratification of our new 3 year union contract by 89.4% last week.

As our new contract goes into effect, it is a condition of employment that you contribute your fair share of the cost of representation. Paying membership dues or fees builds a stronger researcher voice that enables us to build a more just research workplace. Please make your choice immediately to fulfill your obligation in a timely manner, and avoid owing retroactive dues or fees.

The achievements in this new contract improve our lives as Postdocs and ARSs and secure better working conditions for all of us. Among the gains made in this contract, we won new economic improvements including:

  • 20% increase to salary minimums over life of the agreement
  • Guaranteed annual 3% raises
  • Guaranteed experience-based increases for the first time ever at Columbia
  • $1,200 ratification bonus
  • More equality for Fellows including $3,500 to compensate for loss of benefits
  • $500,000 emergency fund for unexpected costs
  • Additional financial support for visa renewal ($1,250), relocation costs ($1,500), and childcare subsidy (+$1,000)

We won these improvements through the consistent support and participation of the majority of researchers. This includes the collective resources provided by union members dues which are necessary for maintaining a strong union, and winning further gains in areas like housing and childcare. Majority membership also makes our Union more democratic and inclusive, since membership gives you the right to take part in our union’s decision-making processes.

In order to cover the cost of representation in a fair and equitable way, it is a condition of employment that you either become a member and pay dues (1.44% of gross salary) or decline membership and pay a fair-share fee (1.22%). Click here to accept or decline membership now and avoid the potential to owe retroactive dues or fees.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out at or check our website FAQ. Together, we are stronger.

In solidarity,

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board


Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and join our and Slack​.

Contract Ratification Vote Results

The vote on whether to ratify our tentative agreement with Columbia has concluded as of 12:00pm today. Postdocs and Associate Researchers at Columbia University cast a total of 891 ballots. Union members voted with a majority of 88.4% Yes to ratify the tentative agreement as our contract.

Members voted as follows:

  • 88.4% voted in favor of ratifying the agreement
  • 11.5% voted against ratifying the agreement

Out of the total ballots cast:

  • 89.4% voted in favor of ratifying the agreement
  • 10.6% voted against ratifying the agreement

Thank you to everyone who participated in the vote. After more than six months of bargaining, this vote is a strong mandate for researchers to continue improving our working conditions and the research conditions at Columbia. 

In addition, a  majority of researchers have signed up for union membership! Click here to sign up as a member of our union and forward this link to your colleagues and encourage them to become a member of our union.

In solidarity,

CPW-UAW Elections Committee


Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and join our and Slack​.

[24 HOURS LEFT] Vote Now on the Tentative Agreement

Today is the last full day left for you to vote on whether or not to accept the tentatively agreed contract. The vote will close tomorrow, Tuesday, October 31st at noon! 
As a reminder, if this agreement is approved, this will be the contract valid for the next three years. If this offer is rejected, we would need to strike, and we would need to have a powerful majority strike in order to push for a better deal.

Vote today in this link and forward to your friends & colleagues

(details of the offer included in the link to vote)

Please read the full contract offer here and see a summary below. 

What this proposal contains: (See the full offer HERE)

  • A 3 year contract, lasting until June 30th, 2026
  • $70,000 minimum for postdoctoral research scientist/scholars and postdoctoral fellows
  • $77,000 minimum for associate research scientists/scholars
  • These minimums for new hires will increase 1.5% per year 
  • 3% yearly raises.
  • For researchers already at Columbia (not new hires) a one-time ratification salary adjustment: $1000 increase over the minimum per each year of experience up to 5 years for postdocs and 3 years for ARSs. (see the table in the contract below).
  • For anyone already making over these new minimums they will get a 3% increase. 
  • $1,200 ratification bonus. 
  • Limits on classification of fellows as independent contractors. We will now be able to challenge (grieve) postdoctoral fellow status as long as the funding agency does not require contractor status. If the agency requires contractor status, the loss of benefits caused by this  will be compensated for with $3,500 per year if they have been working at Columbia for at least 2 years
  • Hardship fund of $500,000 for the 3 years of the agreement to cover medical emergencies of postdocs/ARSs
  • Neutral third party arbitration for cases of bullying once the new power-based harassment policy is established.
  • $1,250 to cover Visa renewals, increasing support for International researchers.
  • $1,500 relocation payment for new employees (taxable).
  • $5000 in a childcare FSA account (tax free) per family for kids up to 6 years (before this negotiation it was not part of the contract)

Demands which the employer has not agreed to in this offer: 

  • Childcare payments for each child and up to the age of 13
  • Housing stipend of $5,000
  • Cost Of Living Adjustments (COLA) to keep up with inflation.
  • Recognition of experience at other universities 
  • There is no explicit commitment for institutional support from the university (it is up to them to decide how to finance this offer).
  • Raises to minimums are not retroactive from July 1.
  • Also this offer would mean withdrawing all ULP’s filed against Columbia’s behavior during bargaining (click here for more on the ULPs that will be withdrawn and not)

In solidarity,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bargaining & Organizing Committees.


Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and join our and Slack​.

[Required] Vote on the contract by Tuesday, October 28th, at noon

Our vote on whether or not to accept the tentatively agreed contract will close this upcoming Tuesday, October 31st at noon! 

At our October membership meeting, this past Thursday, over 100 members joined to discuss the contract, including a discussion of timelines for the vote. It was decided to run the contract vote until Tuesday, October 31st, in order to maintain the previously announced strike deadline of November 1st.

Vote today in this link and forward to your friends & colleagues

(details of the offer included in the link to vote)

For your vote to be counted you have to be a member in good standing. Sign a membership card here!

In solidarity,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bargaining & Organizing Committees.


Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and join our and Slack​.

[Required] Vote to Accept or Reject Tentative Agreement

As you may have heard, our Bargaining Committee tentatively agreed to Columbia’s offer, to bring it for a vote to the membership. 

Now, it’s your turn as a member to decide whether to accept this offer (see the full offer HERE, as well as further details below)! You can vote whether to accept this offer, agreeing to put into effect the terms of this agreement, or reject it, and we go back to bargaining. If this offer is rejected, we would need to strike, and we would need to have a powerful majority strike in order to push for a better deal. A strike resets bargaining such that all previously tentative agreements are open for changing. The choice is in your hands!

If you are ready to express your opinion you can cast your vote with the link below.

This TA contains some notable victories in many of the priorities established by a majority of postdocs and ARSs. However it does not include some other important demands. See below for more details. 

We also want to emphasize, as was even acknowledged by the Columbia side during bargaining, that our organizing and actions – including the strike authorization vote, rally during the President’s inauguration, a tangible strike deadline, and consistent solidarity and pressure within our union and with our allies – were instrumental in getting us here! We should all be immensely proud and grateful of every action, large and small, by our members, and of everything we have achieved together! 

In order to further discuss this offer, we will have a membership meeting TODAY at 6:30pm both in person (at CUMC, Morningside and ZI) and on zoom. 

RSVP to discuss with your colleagues this offer ahead of your vote!

Please read the full contract offer here and see a summary below. 

What this proposal contains: (See the full offer HERE)

  • A 3 year contract, lasting until June 30th, 2026
  • $70,000 minimum for postdoctoral research scientist/scholars and postdoctoral fellows
  • $77,000 minimum for associate research scientists/scholars
  • These minimums for new hires will increase 1.5% per year 
  • 3% yearly raises.
  • For researchers already at Columbia (not new hires) a one-time ratification salary adjustment: $1000 increase over the minimum per each year of experience up to 5 years for postdocs and 3 years for ARSs. (see the table in the contract below).
  • For anyone already making over these new minimums they will get a 3% increase. 
  • $1,200 ratification bonus. 
  • Limits on classification of fellows as independent contractors. We will now be able to challenge (grieve) postdoctoral fellow status as long as the funding agency does not require contractor status. If the agency requires contractor status, the loss of benefits caused by this  will be compensated for with $3,500 per year if they have been working at Columbia for at least 2 years
  • Hardship fund of $500,000 for the 3 years of the agreement to cover medical emergencies of postdocs/ARSs
  • Neutral third party arbitration for cases of bullying once the new power-based harassment policy is established.
  • $1,250 to cover Visa renewals, increasing support for International researchers.
  • $1,500 relocation payment for new employees (taxable).
  • $5000 in a childcare FSA account (tax free) per family for kids up to 6 years (before this negotiation it was not part of the contract)

Demands which the employer has not agreed to in this offer: 

  • Childcare payments for each child and up to the age of 13
  • Housing stipend of $5,000
  • Cost Of Living Adjustments (COLA) to keep up with inflation.
  • Recognition of experience at other universities 
  • There is no explicit commitment for institutional support from the university (it is up to them to decide how to finance this offer).
  • Raises to minimums are not retroactive from July 1.
  • Also this offer would mean withdrawing all ULP’s filed against Columbia’s behavior during bargaining (click here for more on the ULPs that will be withdrawn and not)

If you are ready to express your opinion you can cast your vote with the link below.

In solidarity,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bargaining & Organizing Committees.


Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and join our and Slack​.