This is a reminder about the vote on whether to accept or reject this statement on Columbia University’s response to the situation in Gaza. Voting will close tomorrow Wednesday at noon (12pm). We have received communication that several members did not receive the link to vote. Please, forward this email to your colleagues to make sure they have the chance to participate. 

The vote is a secret ballot and only the two postdocs elected to the Elections Committee will have access to the results and will provide summaries of the votes. No other postdocs/ARSs will see how you voted.
Please, follow this link to vote: Yes, No or Abstain. For the statement to be endorsed it must receive a majority (50+1%) yes vote out of the total votes cast.


The Vote will close on Wednesday November 22nd at 12 PM (noon)

Addressing concerns raised by members about the process: 

As Executive Board of the local we want to be transparent about  the shortcomings in which this discussion and vote has been conducted. As a young union (only three years old) we have only limited experience and resources to handle discussions on difficult topics. It is incredibly important, and we deeply appreciate everyone who has shared thoughts as we try to learn together how to better take democratic decisions in our Union. 

We want to bring to your attention that several members submitted amendments in good faith assuming that they would be discussed before a vote at the membership meeting last Thursday. The Executive Board did not write nor manage the feedback process for the statement – including the Google Form requesting amendments emailed on November 15. Over the past two weeks, Eboard members have been catching up on research, addressing issues arising from the new contract, fulfilling legal obligations of the local, and attending to members’ workplace concerns – all issues that were temporarily set aside during contract negotiations-. This must not serve as an excuse, but just an explanation. Upon receiving the request from members to discuss this matter – which is every union member’s right – we provided the platform to do so. However, we recognize that we have been hands-off in a process that should have been overseen, and this was a misstep on our part. We sincerely apologize.

We acknowledge that as elected members, the Executive Board bears the responsibility of ensuring all voices are heard. We hope this experience serves the Local to learn and improve future discussions.

In solidarity, 

CPW-UAW Executive Board


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