The vote on whether our union should adopt this statement on Columbia University’s response to the situation in Gaza, which was proposed by some members at our November membership meeting, has concluded as of 12:00pm today. Postdocs and Associate Researchers at Columbia University cast a total of 284 ballots. Union members voted with a plurality of 48.3% to not have the union endorse the drafted statement on Gaza.

Members voted as follows:

  • 41% Voted in favor of adopting the statement 
  • 48.3% Voted against adopting the statement
  • 10.7% Voted to abstain 

In solidarity,

CPW-UAW Elections Committee

Message from the Executive Board

We understand that some of you may be disappointed with these recent results. As a relatively young Local, we acknowledge that we are still learning how to conduct difficult conversations. 

During our latest membership meetings, members expressed their commitment to establishing the Civil and Human Rights Committee. This committee aims to foster discussions, bringing together members of our Local, from various countries and cultures who share a common passion for science and research. The committee will focus on exploring how researchers in academia can contribute to promoting peace, social justice, and human rights in our community and at large. 

We invite any interested members to sign up to participate in these important discussions and contribute to the work of the Civil and Human Rights Committee. Your involvement will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our Local and advancing our shared goals.

We want to emphasize that, as a democratic organization, every member has the right to propose initiatives to enhance our Local. Whether it’s suggesting amendments to the bylaws (Article 21), proposing discussions or votes at membership meetings, or suggesting the formation of new working groups and committees, your input is crucial to our collective growth. This is particularly relevant as we approach elections for several positions in our Executive Board and stewards.

Your union is shaped by all of us collectively, and we encourage each member to be aware of their rights and actively engage in the democratic processes that guide our organization.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our union. Together, we can create a stronger, more inclusive community that reflects the diverse perspectives and experiences of all our members.

In Solidarity, 

CPW-UAW Executive Board


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