Rain or shine, NYC is a union town! Postdocs from all over NYC joined for the Labor Day Parade. We will always fight to improve research conditions and #WhenWeFightWeWin! Photo credit: @peacemakerhuynh
@spocuaw @WCMPostdocUnion @eruuaw @nyuresearchers @rupostdocunion @UAWRegion9A
Postdocs all over NYC are ready! Together we have the power. We hope to see you at the @CentralLaborNYC Labor Day Parade! @WCMPostdocUnion @eruuaw @rupostdocunion @nyuresearchers @spocuaw
This is what growing our power looks like! We had a fantastic group of organizers from all over the New York area. We will keep pushing academia forward to make sure its an environment where all workers can succeed and thrive! #UnionStrong #WhenWeFightWeWin
Another big win for unionizing academia! We want to say congratulations to our friends and colleagues @urfu_uaw on the west coast for fighting hard and winning! #UnionStrong #WhenWeFightWeWin