What we have been doing to win a strong contract…
Click the image to read what we will present to Columbia on our first day of bargaining.
It includes:
Contract demands/Bargaining Goals – are general goals that we want to win for our next contract and that we will present on our first day of Bargaining on April 20th.
Articles that we want to improve in our current contract – in black is the current language in our contract/collective bargaining agreement (CBA). In read the changes we are proposing.
Request For Information (RFI) – information we request from Columbia to inform the bargaining process and make sure our contract improvements are feasible and reasonable.
How were our contract demands and article proposals produced?
The Bargaining Committee analyzed the results of Bargaining Surveys done by a majority of the ~1650 postdocs/ARSs at Columbia.
The results were presented at our January membership meeting where a draft for contract demands was discussed an voted on.
>> Since January postdocs and Associate researchers have been signing in support, discussing and submitting feedback to change and improve our demands.
This initial draft for contract demands was amended, discuss and voted by union members at our February membership meeting.
>> The specificities of each of these goals was worked out by postdocs and Associate researchers in over 9 Town Halls over the month on March. [Check below if you miss them!]