For the first time in our union’s history, UAW members like us will decide who is elected to the highest positions in our union for the next four years this Fall. Want to play a part in this historic election? Please, if you haven’t yet, update your mailing address here TODAY to ensure that you receive a paper ballot! Then join us this Wednesday, October 5, 2022, at 5:30 pm EDT.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84611750239?pwd=UklmUU92Zm9GekFBcjlDMjZncDZMZz09
At our meeting this Wednesday, we’ll be planning for an upcoming Candidate Forum between the two Candidates for Director of UAW Region 9A, the region our local is situated within, on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, at 5:30 pm EDT. Want to learn more about these upcoming elections? Click here and here!
Did you know?
Thousands of workers employed by Columbia University, Barnard College, Teachers College, and Union Theological Seminary are members of our union, the United Auto Workers (UAW)! Meet them this Wednesday as we plan for the Region 9A Director Candidate Forum on Zoom! We’ll be deciding which questions to ask the Candidates in our forum from those that were submitted by members, among other things. You may submit questions for consideration using this link before Wednesday, October 5, 2022, at 12:00 pm EDT. We hope to see you there.
Don’t let this moment pass you by – join us this Wednesday as we take the first step in preparing for this important election! Questions? Reply to this email.
Solidarity forever,
The Forum Organizing Team
Katy Habr, Vice Chair, Student Workers of Columbia–UAW Local 2710Cora Bergantiños-Crespo, President, Columbia Postdoctoral Workers–UAW Local 4100
Claire Valdez, Unit Chair, Columbia Support Staff–UAW Local 2110
P.S. – Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. As a member you can also join our Slack channel.