Yesterday we received an announcement from the Provost outlining a number of cuts to the retirement benefits of all officers. While we understand the fiscal constraints Columbia continues to face due to the pandemic, we find these cuts disconcerting given that Officers are already struggling with significant financial burdens due to COVID-19. Our workforce in particular has been critical to providing the research that brings almost a billion dollars in external grant revenue to the university every year, one of its most stable and reliable funding sources during this unpredictable period.

As we continue to gather more information from the administration, please do not hesitate to reach out with any specific questions or concerns that you would want to see addressed, or ways that these changes may affect you.

Update on steward elections

The nomination period for our steward elections concluded at midnight last night. Our elections committee will announce the results of acceptances early next week.

UAW Region 9A Forum on Combating Racism

UAW Local Unions in our Region are hosting a virtual forum on Confronting Racism: Building Worker Solidarity at Work next Wednesday, December 9 from 7-9pm.

RSVP here!

Moderator: Rosa Arenas, UAW Local 2110

Guest Speakers:  

  • David Roediger, Foundation Professor of American Studies at University of Kansas where he teaches and writes on race and class in the United States.

  • Naja Farley, a senior staff attorney at the National Employment Law Project (NELP). focused on improving work quality through enforcement in the areas of minimum wage, wage theft, and retaliation.

  • UAW Members and their stories of combating racism at work through our union.

In Solidarity,

CPW-UAW Executive Committee