After the victory of the One Member referendum, the time for UAW members has arrived to cast the vote for the international leadership of UAW. Through our vote, we can make sure our international union continues growing in the academic sector, unionizing more postdocs and strengthening the voice of academic workers nationwide! 

Make sure you receive your ballot by mail updating your current address here. Deadline Tuesday October 4th

All UAW members can vote for the election of the President, three Vice Presidents, and the Secretary-Treasurer. Still undecided? Click here to watch recorded Forums of the candidates running.

In addition, we will also vote for the director for our region, 9A.We have partnered with Student Workers of Columbia–UAW Local 2710, and the Columbia Support Staff–UAW Local 2110 to conduct our own forum and to present to you the nominated Candidates for the position: Beverley Brakeman and Brandon Mancilla. 

Columbia University Region 9A candidate forum: 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM EDT over Zoom (not sure you can make it? No worries, it will be recorded!). 

Over the next weeks, we will collectively determine the format and logistics of the forum and select the questions that will be asked. Here’s a  form to submit your questions to the candidates by Monday, October 3, 2022

Please keep an eye out for updates!

In solidarity,

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board

P.S. –  Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. As a member you can also join our Slack channel.