On Sunday, June 25th (rain or shine) we will march together with the Reclaim Pride Coalition.  The QLM remains the annual people’s protest Pride march, without corporate funding; corporate floats; politicians’ grandstanding; or police control or involvement.

The theme for this year’s march β€œTrans and Queer, Forever Here!” also comes at a crucial time in which the very foundations of American democracy have cracked under the weight of home-grown, repugnant fascism.  Following the attacks on the U.S. Capitol in 2021, numerous state laws have risen that put the safety and health of Queer youth in grave danger – infringing on our rights and freedoms through multiple means, while doubling-down on racist attitudes and approaches to law and legislation.

It is with this in mind that we march this year with our siblings and comrades to proclaim that there is no liberation for just a few, until we are all liberated!

We will meet at 2pm by the Abraham de Peyster statue, in the NW corner of the park (Federal Plaza with Worth St). 

RSVP link: https://t.co/1TbY2cZXmQ 

In Solidarity, 

Anti-Racism, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (ARDIEA) Working Group


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