Our May membership meeting will be next Monday, May 17th at 6:30pm.  

RSVP here to attend our membership meeting

We’ll discuss general updates on the process of establishing our local, including reports on our finances, membership, and provisions from our contract that should go into effect soon like the university-wide committee on bullying.

In terms of organizing, we would like to start a conversation about fighting back against austerity measures by the University, including the caps on raises and retirement, and brainstorm possible actions we can take as a union. 

We will also discuss the upcoming referendum on whether the UAW will transition from a delegate system for union-wide elections to a “one-member-one-vote” system, in which each member votes on our national leadership directly. All members of our union will be able to participate in this referendum, likely over the Fall.

Please feel free to reach out to columbiapostdocunion@gmail.com with any questions, or if there are topics you would like to discuss at future membership meetings.

In solidarity, 

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board

P.S. – To stay informed about our union, make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!