RSVP for our March membership meeting Thursday 03/17 at 6:30pm

Topics proposed for report and discussion at our membership meeting: 

  • Our first Union-Management Committee meeting, where we discussed with the administration issues faced by Postdocs/ARSs such as appointment/reappointment delays, difficulties when applying for grants, and bullying. 
  • Campaign to win back retirement contributions launched by our Local and the Columbia Chapter of the American Association of University Professors ( – add your signature here and feel free to distribute the attached flyer.
  • Progress of the university-wide committee discussing policy to address bullying and power-based harassment.
  • Difficulties increasing the childcare benefit for researchers at Zuckerman Institute
  • Our monthly Finances and Executive Board reports. 

And bring any other suggestions!  

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, suggestions or thoughts, 


In solidarity,

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board

P.S. – To stay informed about our union, make sure to check our website, and follow us on Slack, Twitter and Facebook!