Last week, we had two lengthy bargaining sessions, and we’re currently working on a comprehensive report which will be shared with you soon. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, join our Slack channel for a firsthand account from postdocs/ARSs who attended the sessions. It’s a great way to stay informed and engaged.

🤔 Wondering why our contract expired? 

  • At 6:31 PM on Friday (last day of our contract) Columbia’s offer for settlement didn’t meet our demands (eg. only $63,600 for the new minimum salary). 
  • Remember, all union members will have the chance to vote on Columbia’s offer before it gets established!  

We think more negotiations are needed to reach a fair contract that a majority of members will support.

😌Rest assured, our working conditions remain unchanged. 

  • Columbia is required to maintain the status quo: this means they are required to maintain the same wages, hours and terms and conditions of employment for all of us while we continue bargaining negotiations, and until an agreement is reached
  • During this period, Columbia is not required to go to arbitration: Any contract violations will need to be addressed through the initial grievance steps only.
  • Any grievances filed before our contract expired, can still go to arbitration.
  • It has come to our attention that some researchers have been told that salary raises agreed upon with their PIs cannot be implemented until a new contract is ratified. This is incorrect! We have taken action to rectify this issue by filing grievances and an Unfair Labor Practice charge. 
  • Please remember, the contract we are negotiating is meant to establish minimums, therefore, as stated in Article 5 (“Compensation”), Section 9 of our CBA, compensation cannot be reduced solely because of the contract.

If you’ve been informed that any issues concerning your working conditions cannot be resolved until a new contract is ratified, please contact us here

💥💥💥What’s next? 

  • We discussed plans at our last membership meeting to get Columbia’s administration to agree to a fair contract. Keep an eye out for further communications! 
  • In the meantime… 
  • let’s rally your co-workers to sign the petition demanding Columbia to sign a fair contract
  • show visible support by displaying posters or wearing union pins or t-shirts (we’re here to provide them if needed!), 
  • engage your co-workers in conversations about supporting bargaining and getting involved in collective actions,
  • and make sure to join our Slack channel for regular updates and meaningful discussions.

Our union is run entirely by members, so if you have an idea and want to pitch it, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Together, we will WIN a fair contract. Let’s make a difference! ✊

In Solidarity,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bargaining and Organizing Committee


Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook,

and join our and Slack​.