Our stewards elections period is now over and we are happy to announce our first ever CPW stewards team! Click here to see who your stewards are

Your stewards are here to discuss and help with any concerns or questions you may have, whether specific to your workplace, funding, benefits, or more general thoughts about the current moment. With the ratification of our first union contract, we now have a process to help you advocate for yourself by enforcing workplace protections. Whenever you have questions or doubts arise, do not hesitate to reach out to your steward. 

We are still accepting nominations for stewards in multiple districts. So, if you don’t see your district represented yet or know that your district needs more than the current amount of stewards, please consider becoming a steward and reply to this email to learn more. The more stewards on the team, the better organized we will be for the year ahead. 

We are very excited to organize alongside the stewards! 


CPW-UAW Executive Board