Next week you will have the opportunity to vote in a historic referendum that will have a profound impact on our union. This referendum will decide whether you have the right to vote directly for the International leadership of our union, or whether delegates at a convention held every four years will continue to choose our leaders. Ballots went out this week on Tuesday, October 19!

This referendum is taking place because several top international UAW leaders, including two former presidents of the union, have been convicted of corruption charges. In 2020, the UAW and the U.S. Department of Justice reached a settlement requiring our union to hold a membership-wide referendum on how we elect our leadership. It is important that you make your voice heard. 

All UAW members will be mailed ballots to vote in this important referendum. You will have two options:

1- You can choose to keep the current Delegate Voting System, where delegates elect top leadership at a convention every four years, or,

2.- You can vote for a new Direct Voting System, where membership elects top leadership directly, like we do in our Local. 

This referendum will have large consequences for our union’s future. Don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard. That is why you should participate in this crucial vote. 

Pledge to Vote and inform your coworkers!

Please, don’t hesitate to reach out to the E-Board and/or your union steward if you have any questions or issues. 

Ballots are due by November 29th, at 10am ET, so please return your ballot as soon as you can. If by the end of October you have not received a ballot and believe you are eligible to vote in the Referendum, contact the election vendor directly at or 855-433-8683 as soon as possible to request one. You can find more information here:

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board

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