In this email you will find: 

  • Help us make policy recommendations for the anti-bullying committee – meeting next Wednesday 11/03
  • Support Columbia graduate workers union, SWC, in their negotiations – rally tomorrow Wednesday 10/27 at 3pm
  • Support to Harvard graduate workers, HGSU UAW Local 5118, going on strike tomorrow through Friday  
  • Reminder about UAW referendum on method to elect our International leadership 

University-wide anti-bullying working group

The University-wide anti-bullying working group has been meeting weekly to generate a policy recommendation that (i) defines bullying behaviors and (ii) develops processes to address complaints of bullying. So far, the committee has focused mainly on the definition of bullying. In the upcoming weeks, the committee will start to develop processes for addressing complaints.  

We are having a general meeting for union members to discuss the progress so far and get feedback on all aspects of the policy recommendation. 

Please RSVP to join our meeting next Wednesday 11/03 at 6pm.

To facilitate discussion, we will share the draft policy document that the committee is working on before the meeting.

Student Workers at Columbia, SWC – rally for a fair contract!

Our teaching and research assistant colleagues in the Student Workers of Columbia-UAW have set a strike deadline for November 3rd, and will go on strike if Columbia does not agree to a fair contract by that date. They are organizing a rally tomorrow at Low Library on the main campus at 3pm. Join to show our support!

HGSU UAW Local 5118 going into strike! 

At our last membership meeting we approved to write a letter of support to our Union colleagues at Harvard and donate $1,000 to their hardship fund as they will go into strike for a fair contract. 

If you are in the area, join HGSU on the picket lines! They will be picketing from 9am- 4pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week at 2 locations: 

  • Cambridge Location: Check in at the strike tent at the Science Center Plaza- 1 Oxford St. Cambridge MA 02138
  • Longwood Location: Check in at a tent outside the Countway Library- 10 Shattuck St. Boston, MA 02115. 

REMINDER!! UAW referendum on how to elect International Leadership

Ballots for the UAW national referendum on how to elect our International Leadership (the International Executive Board, IEB) are being mailed. This referendum could have a profound impact on our union going forward, don’t forget to cast your vote! 

You should get your ballot at your mailing address. Check if you received it and don’t hesitate to reach out if you did not or have any other issues. Get more information here

In solidarity,

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board

P.S. – To stay informed about our union, make sure to follow us on Slack, Twitter and Facebook!