Our October 2021 membership meeting will take place tonight Monday, 10/18/21 at 8:30pm, and, as stated in our bylaws, we will be voting on a schedule for membership meetings until January 2022. 

Fill in your availability for membership meetings in this poll – results will be used to propose membership meeting schedule through January 2022 and will be voted tonight at our membership meeting

Click here to RSVP for the Membership Meeting.

Topics proposed for our membership meeting

  • Discussion and vote on membership meeting schedule through January 2022 – fill in this poll!
  • We want to add a point on supporting bargaining of our Graduate Workers colleagues on HGSU-UAW Local 5118 at Harvard, who are negotiating for a new contract and have set up a strike deadline for October 27th. Click here to see the letter for our Local to sign on.  
  • Issues affecting Postdocs and ARSs at Columbia: delayed appointments and reappointments
  • Update from the university-wide anti-bullying committee 
  • Monthly Finance secretary and Executive Board reports – including updates on progress with hiring a full-time organizer for our Local
  • And bring any other suggestions! 

If you haven’t already, please take a moment to add your name to our Open Letter against power-based harassment.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or thoughts,

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board

P.S. – To stay up to date, make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!