We are having an open review and feedback period on the report from the survey on power-based harassment conducted last year. The survey report highlights the current bullying problem at Columbia University and conveys the importance of having a strong policy against abuse/bullying at Columbia. This report will be an important tool to ensure that the anti-bullying recommendations we are currently developing in a university-wide committee are actually implemented into policy by the university.
If you would like to provide feedback on the current draft of the survey report, please respond to this email and we will send you a link to the Google Docs. You can provide feedback by commenting on the document, and/or by coming to one of our working group meetings (Monday 3/21 or 3/28 at 4pm; please email us to get the Zoom link). The feedback period will be open until 3/31. After that, we will finalize the report and begin disseminating it in April.
Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey and helped out!
THIS THURSDAY!! CPW+SWC Town Hall on anti-bullying policy recommendations
In our first contract, we won the right to a university-wide committee that would design an anti-bullying policy recommendation for the university and include representatives from both of our union, CPW-UAW and the union for Student Workers, SWC-UAW. The committee is very close to making its recommendations!
Join us for a town hall with CPW + SWC members this Thursday, 24 at 5 pm to hear more and provide feedback!
RSVP here for the anti-bullying policy Town Hall.
In solidarity,
CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board
P.S. – To stay informed about our union, make sure to check our website columbiapostdocunion.org, and follow us on Slack, Twitter and Facebook!