This bargaining update is coming to you a little bit late, because our bargaining team was bitterly disappointed and furious at Columbia’s behavior at the bargaining table once again. To understand where we are, it’s important we remember how we got here.

On April 20, when we first arrived for bargaining with a full slate of proposals, Columbia came empty-handed – saying they wanted to hear our full slate of proposals before responding.

Then they only delivered a piecemeal economic response on May 23, which has gone up only $2,600-2,862/year in 3 months, saying they needed us to limit our focus on which economic demands mattered – in other words, to concede on some of our demands before we could even hear a response. If any economic proposal had not mattered to members, the bargaining committee would not have proposed it. Every proposal reflects the concerns of members.

Then they stalled by demanding concessions on our Intellectual Property and Professional Development proposals before we could see another economic response. In order to show our good faith, we made adjustments to those proposals and proceeded. Then they stalled by demanding concessions on our Diversity and Inclusion proposals before seeing another economic response. In order to show our good faith, we made adjustments and moved on.

And finally, this past Thursday – as in the session before – they rushed us into agreeing to some language that could carve up our unit – leaving some members without protections or benefits – before seeing an economic response. Columbia’s bargaining team insists we settle on revising our contract’s unit language, which determines who is and is not covered by our contract, before seeing any economic offers. There is no legal framework for this insistence, and it is deceitful: while maintaining this position, they also continuously push us to make economic concessions in the meantime, dangling the carrot of an economic response for seven hours.

It’s even more clear now than it was before: Columbia has no intention of bargaining in good faith. That’s why we’ve filed an Unfair Labor Practice against them. It’s why we petitioned President Shafik back in June to intervene – and then picketed her inauguration last week after she refused.

And it’s why we’re going to strike.

There will be an Organizing Meeting tomorrow, Tuesday 10/10 at 6pm to discuss Next Steps for the Strike and will Set a Date by Wednesday. Let us know if you’d like to attend! – In the Meantime, Read over This Expanded Strike F.A.Q.

The Bargaining Committee Needs YOU For a Successful Strike.

In solidarity,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Bargaining & Organizing Committees.


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