We are excited to present the notice for the first election of officers for our union! The CPW-UAW Local 4100 Triennial Election to the union’s executive board will take place on September 23-24, 2020. The nomination period is now
Compensation Increases, Grievance Workshop and Upcoming Election
Take a moment to sign our new online CPW-UAW Local 4100 Membership Card. Update on Compensation Increases: As we reported recently, the University has been programming the new minimum compensation rates to take effect on the upcoming August 31 payday
[Today, 3pm] Immigration/Visa Information + Strategy Session
Click here to sign the new CPW-UAW Local 4100 Membership Card TODAY (Friday, 8/21) at 3pm ET! Along with UAW allies around the country, we’re co-hosting an online information and strategy session on visa/immigration issues. Please click here to register for
Senate Election Reminder and CPW-UAW Local 4100 committee updates
We have several announcements related to the process of establishing our union as well as some information on an ongoing University Senate election in which associate researchers are eligible to participate. To become a member of the union, sign the new
Sign the new CPW-UAW Local 4100 Membership Card!
Click here to sign our new CPW-UAW Local 4100 Membership Card! Thank you for supporting CPW-UAW during the campaign to win our first contract. It is now critical that all supporters sign our new CPW-UAW Local 4100 Membership Card. Even if
Elections Committee nominations notice and call for Bylaws Committee volunteers
Take a moment to sign our new online CPW-UAW Local 4100 Membership Card. Update on Compensation Increases The University has informed us that increases to the new minimum compensation rates are being processed to appear on the August 31 payday
Elections Committee nominations notice and call for Bylaws Committee volunteers
Click here to sign up as a member of CPW-UAW Local 4100. As we establish our new Local Union, we need researchers to serve on the Elections and Bylaws Committees. These are important and significant ways you can get involved
Status of pay increases; ramp-up safety concerns; solidarity with TWU
We have several updates in this email. Our contract is now in effect. You may read a full version on the CPW-UAW website. If you have any work-related problems, please contact the union. We will work to try to help you resolve
Union Next Steps + Picnic this Sunday!
Join us for our CPW-UAW Local 4100 Picnic this Sunday We are holding a picnic this Sunday, 8/2 starting at 4pm in Riverside Park (next to Ellington in the Park, Riverside Dr & W 105th St, New York, NY 10025),
More progress on childcare! And 7/27 meeting reminder
In case you missed it, Columbia announced a new childcare benefit this week! The new benefit offers up to $3000 in additional funding to offset childcare costs for researchers required to work on campus during July and August. We