We have several updates in this email. Our contract is now in effect. You may read a full version on the CPW-UAW website. If you have any work-related problems, please contact the union. We will work to try to help you resolve the problem.  

Status of Pay Increases and Lump Sum Payments

You may have noticed that the University has not yet processed the compensation increases we negotiated in our contract. Given the advance programming requirements of Columbia’s payroll system and the timing of our ratification process that ended two weeks ago, it was not feasible to do so by today’s payday.  

We raised this issue to the administration today. They said that early next week they will provide a more specific timeline for processing increases to the new minimum rates, including what is owed retroactive to July 1. If Columbia moves slowly, we may have to take other action – including possibly filing a grievance – to ensure that we receive these increases in a timely manner. We also expect to start receiving data from the University next week that will enable us to start working on finalizing a formula for processing the lump sum payments outlined in our contract. We will provide further updates as we learn more.

Health and Safety concerns during the ongoing research ramp-up

As the University has moved into the next phase of the ramp-up, many more of us are returning to campus. Recent email communications suggested more strongly than ever that researchers will face consequences if we do not return physically to work. However, established ramp-up safety guidelines about workplace density, PPE, etc. must continue to apply. Researchers should spend as little time on campus as needed to get work done, and those who can work remotely should continue to do so. We deplore any effort by the University to intimidate researchers into returning to the workplace. If you are uncomfortable returning to work and are being pressured to do so, please reach out so that we can help resolve the issue.

Show support for maintenance and custodial workers

TWU Local 241, the maintenance and custodial employees, urgently need our help to save their healthcare. Please go here to send a quick email (works best using a smartphone) to urge the university’s administration to give frontline workers who have kept the university running during COVID-19 the healthcare they deserve.

Their union is currently in contract negotiations and the university is trying to make drastic cuts to their healthcare. The members have authorized a strike.

This Sunday – CPW-UAW Local 4100 Picnic

This Sunday starting at 4pm we will be meeting in Riverside park for a socially distanced celebration of our new contract and Local Union. Click here for event details and to let us know if you can make it.

As a reminder, we will also be sending further information next week regarding next steps in setting up our Local Union.

In solidarity,

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Bargaining Committee