📣 RSVP for the SPECIAL Membership Meeting to VOTE ON LOCAL BYLAWS: Thursday, April 4th, 6:30 pm 📣

At yesterday’s membership meeting, the Bylaws Committee presented a final proposal for Local bylaws incorporating feedback after a period of open consultation. A final draft of the proposed bylaws is available here, and summary slides are available here. 

There will be a special membership meeting in two weeks, on Thursday, April 4 at 6:30 pm, to vote to approve the bylaws – come and make your voice heard!.

Since we recently voted to join forces with Mt. Sinai postdoctoral workers and amalgamate under the same local, we will need new structures for our joint governance. These updated bylaws will provide the governance structure to allow democratic decision making in our Local Union and ensure the rights of union members in that structure.

Our Union Local now consists of two Units, one at Columbia (CPW) and one at Mt. Sinai (SPOC). Some highlights of the proposed bylaws:

  • The membership remains highest authority of the Local Union
  • The Joint Council will now be the next-highest authority:
    • Proportional representation by unit membership
    • Includes the eBoard + Head Stewards representing each Unit (1 Head Steward per 200 members)
  • The Executive Board is the next-highest authority: we introduce 1 additional Member-At-Large per Unit.
  • All major decisions affecting the Local Union must be made by membership, not only the Joint Council or Executive Board
  • Local Membership meetings will be held at least once every 4 months, with more regular Unit Meetings for Columbia Postdoctoral Workers in between (our monthly meetings).

You can read the complete proposed bylaws here. The new bylaws will be voted in the special meeting on April 4th.  

If you have any questions or want to discuss the proposed bylaws feel free to contact us.

📣 RSVP for the SPECIAL Membership Meeting to VOTE ON LOCAL BYLAWS: Thursday, April 4th, 6:30 pm 📣

In solidarity,

Local 4100 Executive Board & Bylaws Committee


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