What are your priorities as a researcher at Columbia?
As a new union of over 1,600 Postdocs and Associate Researchers at Columbia – the first for postdoctoral researchers at a private university – it is important that we continually seek ways to improve our working conditions and our lives. We made significant gains in our first contract, but there is much more we can do.
The survey below allows Postdocs and ARS to provide information to our elected leadership and shape our collective priorities for campaigns and contract enforcement as we start our second year as an established local union. The more of us who participate, the more effectively we can continue to make progress on the major challenges researchers continue to face. Your responses will be kept confidential.
Take a minute to fill out the survey here: https://bit.ly/CPW-Priorities-Survey
Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or thoughts,
In solidarity,
CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board
P.S. – To stay informed about our union, make sure to follow us on Slack, Twitter and Facebook!