We have our membership meeting tonight Thursday March 21st, at 6:30pm both in person and on zoom. We will present and discuss bylaw changes proposed by the Bylaws Committee for our newly Amalgamated Local Union. 

Since we recently voted to join forces with Mt. Sinai postdoctoral workers and amalgamate under the same local, we will need new structures for our joint governance. The Bylaws will provide the democratic governance structure for our amalgamated union and establish the rights of union members in that structure.

A final draft of the proposed bylaw amendments is available here. The Bylaws committee met yesterday to discuss and incorporate suggestions submitted during the 6-day open consultation and feedback period. Join tonight for a final discussion!

Some topics that we will touch on:

  • How many representatives will Columbia and Mt. Sinai postdocs/ARSs have in the governing body of our local (Joint Council)?
  • How often will we have joint Membership meetings across both Columbia and Mt. Sinai?
  • How will Columbia postdocs/ARSs remain in control of bargaining their own contracts and deciding on issues specific to our workplace?
  • How will we ensure democracy, transparency and accountability in a Local with multiple groups of workers from different Universities?


  • As previously mentioned, our staff member is part of a union representing other UAW international and local staff. Bargaining is ongoing (see our bargaining tracker and their demands HERE), for a contract that will cover our Local’s staff, meaning our Local is on the ‘management’ side of this process.
  • We will give a brief update of the bargaining, and report progress on hiring a legal counsel to advise us.

We will answer questions and have an open discussion about the proposed changes. The new bylaws will be voted in a special meeting on April 4th.   

You can RSVP for tonight’s meeting here.

📣RSVP for tonight’s Membership Meeting March 21st, Thursday 6:30 pm 📣

And bring any suggestions and questions!

And bring any suggestions and questions
In solidarity,

Local 4100 Executive Board & Bylaws Committee


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