Today marks the two year anniversary of the start of contract negotiations between our unionized graduate student worker colleagues (GWC-UAW) and Columbia. The university administration has refused to make progress on a number of important issues. If Columbia does not make real progress to reach a fair contract, GWC plans to set a strike deadline. 

Click here to watch the Live Stream of their rally at Noon, 2/25, or attend in-person (and socially-distanced) at the Low Library steps at Morningside Campus. 

Click here to attend their Virtual Rally over zoom TONIGHT at 7pm, 2/25. (A member from CPW-UAW will be speaking!)

Today GWC will be holding two rallies calling on Columbia to make more progress, featuring graduate workers talking about the biggest issues in bargaining, as well as allies from other unions at Columbia, academic worker unions, and local politicians. Attending these events is an important way to show Columbia that Postdocs/ARS strongly support our graduate student worker colleagues! You can read more details and their demands here








In Solidarity, 

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board

P.S. – To stay informed about our union, make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!