This is a reminder that we will be holding an online membership meeting this evening, 10/19 at 7pm. As the primary agenda item, the Bylaws Committee will present an initial draft of bylaws for our Local Union, as well as answer questions and collect feedback about the draft. The Bylaws will provide the democratic governance structure for our union and establish the rights of union members in that structure. If you would like to review it before tonight’s meeting, you may read the initial draft of our bylaws here.

After the meeting, the Bylaws Committee intends to allow 10 days for members to provide additional feedback through this online form. Based on this feedback, the Bylaws Committee will develop a final draft. We will have a second membership meeting on October 29th to present the final draft. The membership will vote online on whether to approve the bylaws for three days between Friday, October 30th, to Sunday, November 1st.


In solidarity,

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board