This is a reminder that our colleagues, Graduate Workers of Columbia (GWC), continue to strike for a fair contract this week. Picket lines will take place from 10-2pm at the Morningside Campus today and Friday, and at the Manhattanville campus on Thursday. Please stand with our colleagues fighting for a contract, even if you can only make it for a short time!

Please let us know if you can make it to a picket!

In addition, faculty at Columbia are circulating an Open Letter after the university’s proposed to have faculty serve on a panel to appeal cases of sexual harassment and discrimination affecting graduate workers. Columbia has since changed it’s position, but is still rejecting the same neutral arbitration protections that we have in our contract. If you know faculty members who would support a truly neutral process to address issues of harassment and discrimination, please encourage them to read and sign on to the Open Letter, which they can find at this link

Finally, our Anti-Racism, Diversity and Inclusion working group along with our Executive Board has published a statement from our Local condemning the rise of racist violence against Asian communities. If you want to get involved in your union in order to address racism at the university and the broader society, you can sign up for our working group on anti-racism, diversity and inclusion.

In Solidarity,

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board

P.S. – To stay informed about our union, make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!