We are excited that our mandate for collective bargaining has gained national press attention as well as support from elected leaders right here in New York City.

Check out our news coverage from around the country including new outlets such as the Washington Post, Inside Higher Ed, the NY Daily News and more.

Our election has also received the attention of local elected officials. Yesterday, we joined City Council member Ben Kallos in delivering a letter signed by 18 members of the Progressive Caucus of the New York City Council to President Lee Bollinger and the Board of Trustees.

The letter urges the University to respect our 68% mandate for collective bargaining and to bargain with the graduate employees who voted 72% yes for their union.

We hope that after weeks of conversation about collective bargaining amongst our campus community that our decision to vote yes for CPW-UAW as our union will be respected by the University.  

As we continue to prepare for bargaining, please fill out a union bargaining survey if you have not yet done so. The more postdoctoral researchers that participate in the bargaining survey, the stronger and more representative contract we will be able to bargain with the university.


Members of the CPW-UAW Organizing Committee