In this email you will find: 

  • June membership meeting and proposed agenda topics. 
  • Amendments and appeals for the statement on Israel and Palestine
  • If you have more than 23 vacation days accumulated, take them before June 30!

June membership meeting

Our June membership meeting will be next Monday, June 14th at 6:30pm.  

RSVP here to attend our membership meeting

Following our monthly financial and membership reports, we will vote on a schedule of membership meetings through September and discuss our campaign to win protections against bullying/power-based harassment.

In addition, we will discuss a topic tabled at our last meeting, the upcoming referendum for all UAW members on whether to have direct elections for our national leadership. This referendum will likely take place over the fall, and all members of our union will be able to participate and vote on whether the UAW will transition from a delegate system for union-wide elections to a “one-member-one-vote” system, in which each member votes on our national leadership directly. This important decision could affect many aspects of our union – so we encourage you to attend!  Some resolutions from other UAW Academic Locals here.

Amendments and appeals for the statement in Israel and Palestine

At the end of the membership meeting, we will discuss and vote on amendments and a final version of the statement from our Local Union on the conflict in Israel and Palestine. Please, find the initial statement and all the proposed amendments, alternative statements and appeals compiled in this document. 

If you have more than 23 vacation days accumulated, take them before June 30!

Our contract established for the first time a mechanism to enforce our right to use our earned time off. We earn around two days of vacation for each month of appointment that can be rolled over to the next fiscal year (details in our contract, Art. 26, Section 1). Only 23 unused vacation days can be rolled over to the next fiscal year. If you currently have more than 23 vacation days accrued, try to use some before June 30, as you will only be able to roll over 23 days. Please feel free to reach out to with any questions, or if there are topics you would like to discuss at future membership meetings.

In solidarity,

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board

P.S. – To stay informed about our union, make sure to follow us on Slack, Twitter and Facebook!