We invite you to our next membership meeting on Thursday January 26th at 6:30 pm. This meeting is an important one as we are officially launching the bargaining campaign in preparation to negotiate our next contract. We will present preliminary results of the bargaining survey and discuss our goals and strategies for bargaining.

  • What are Postdoctoral workers’ priorities for our next contract? Based on hundreds of bargaining surveys we all submitted, we will present data on: What salary gains do we need in order to survive inflation? How high is our rent burden? What are our most urgent priorities on Benefits? Family support? Workplace rights?
  • What should our bargaining goals be? We will have an open discussion about our goals that we will bring to the bargaining table. Bargaining goals will be finalized & ratified in the February membership meeting.
  • How does bargaining work? Do we want open bargaining? We will go over the process of bargaining and discuss how we want our bargaining to look like.  

The meeting will be in hybrid mode, with in person options at both Morningside and CUIMC, as well as a zoom option. 

Please use one of the links below to RSVP.

RSVP to attend the membership meeting.

Our historic first contract will expire on June 30, 2023. For us, this represents a chance to negotiate better working conditions with Columbia in  our next contract! In order to make sure the negotiations address the real needs of our members, this meeting will focus on discussing the process of bargaining and our contract goals!

Are your priorities represented in the bargaining survey results? If you have not filled a bargaining survey yet – you still have time! Follow this link to take the survey, and please forward along to any other postdocs who have not yet completed the survey – every single voice matters!

In addition, we will have our monthly Finances reports and an announcement from the Elections Committee.

Also, a reminder that there is a run-off in the UAW election, since no candidate to the office of International president received a majority of votes. Ballots were mailed to UAW members on Thursday, January 12, 2023. If you haven’t shared your address with us, please update your mailing address to receive a ballot!

In solidarity,

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board


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