The vote on whether to ratify our tentative agreement with Columbia has concluded as of 12:00pm today and 99% of those participating voted yes to ratify our contract. The results are as follows:

859 – Yes
7 – No
1 – Blank
4 – Bargaining unit status unclear

Thank you to everyone who participated in the vote. After years of organizing and 16 months of bargaining, this vote is a strong mandate for researchers to continue improving our working conditions and the research conditions at Columbia.

Next Steps in Building our Local Union

We will soon announce a meeting to start formally establishing our union here at Columbia, CPW-UAW Local 4100, including next steps like drafting Local Union bylaws, electing officers, and planning ongoing organizing efforts. If you are interested in attending and/or participating in such efforts in the near future, please click here and let us know your general availability.

In solidarity,

CPW-UAW Bargaining Committee