As members of UAW, we are midway through a crucial moment: the first direct election for the President of the UAW international union.
By participating in this election, you can directly elect the candidate who will set the tone for contract fights, decide how to use our membership dues, and more across all UAW locals for the next four years. As our local enters bargaining in just a couple months, this election may help determine what international resources we can access in our own contract fight.
As no candidate for the office of International President received a majority of votes in the first round, so a run-off is being held between the two candidates who received the most votes in the first round of elections.
Ballots were mailed to UAW members on January 12, 2023. If you have already voted in the run-off, we’re glad you have joined thousands of other members in democratically strengthening our union! If you haven’t had a chance to vote yet—have you received a ballot like the one below this month?
If you don’t have a ballot, call 855-433-8683 to request a new one. If you do not reach someone at that number, leave a voicemail with your Local number (ours is 4100), full name, and current mailing address.
Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in a historic moment for our union. Mail in your ballot, or call 855-433-8683 to request a new one today.
Would you like to find out more about the candidates?
The Candidate Forum for the office of International President, with candidates Shawn Fain (UAW Members United) and Ray Curry (Curry Solidarity Team) was held this month; watch the full debate here to learn more about the candidates!
Elections for our Union at Columbia – Final Reminder!
The deadline to accept nomination for a position as steward, Executive Board, or Elections Committee member is TONIGHT (Monday, 02/09/23) at 11:59PM EST.
If you are interested in running for steward in your district or for the open position in the Executive Board or Elections Committee, please submit your acceptance to the CPW-UAW Elections Committee by emailing cpwuawelections@gmail.com by 11:59pm EST (before midnight).
See detail here and don’t hesitate to reach out to the Elections Committee at cpwuawelections@gmail.com if you have any questions.
The Columbia Postdoctoral Workers
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