You should receive the $1,200 lump sum bonus on your paycheck for Nov 15th or, if you are a Fellow, in a special paycheck for November 17th. Please reach out if you can’t see it! 

Remember that our November membership meeting is tomorrow, Thursday 11/16/23 at 6:30pm both in person (CUMC, Morningside or Zuckerman Institute) and zoom

RSVP here to attend in person or zoom

We will have our Finance and Executive Board reports (including updates on contract implementation) and an announcement from the Elections Committee about elections for the Executive Board and stewards positions in our Local. 

In addition, some members want to present this statement regarding the situation in Gaza to discuss and vote whether our Local should endorse it. In order to conduct the discussion and vote in a productive manner we propose the following structure (but remember that as a member you can propose an alternative at the beginning of the meeting)

  • Please, read the statement before the meeting.
  • We will start with a reading of the statement followed by 10 min of members speaking in favor and against the statement.
    • If you want to speak, feel free to prepare 30 seconds of points. Not everyone will be able to speak unless we all vote to lengthen the meeting. 
  • You can propose changes/deletions/additions (amendments) to the statement or you can propose an alternative statement.
    • All proposed changes and/or alternative statements will be considered and voted by members at the meeting and if approved the final statement that will be put for a vote will be the amended one. 
  • At the meeting you can also propose alternative ways of voting

You can submit any changes you’d like into this form for consideration and vote of members at the meeting.

  • At the meeting we will vote yes/no/abstain on the motion made by members to put the statement to a vote by all union members via an online form over the course of 3 days. Voting in favor of putting the statement to a vote is NOT a vote to endorse the statement. For example,
    • You can vote in favor of opening the online vote and then vote online against endorsing the statement. 
    • You can vote against putting the statement for a vote and, if members agree to put it to a vote, still vote in favor of the statement. 
    • You can Abstain from the initial vote, and still decide to vote for or against the statement if it ends up going to a vote.

In order to conduct our meeting in an orderly fashion we will follow parliamentary rules (or Robert rules of order). You can find a cheat sheet here. However, remember that if you want to propose anything at the meeting and don’t know how we are all there to help.

In solidarity, 

Executive Board and Organizing committee


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