This Sunday is NYC’s Pride parade, a celebration of the history of LGBTQ struggles in the U.S. We are excited to be marching with the Graduate Workers of Columbia and Congressman Jerry Nadler, meeting this Sunday, June 24th at West 15th and 8th ave at 10:45am to register as all participants will need a wristband to march in the parade.

Please RSVP to march with CPW-UAW in the Pride parade this year.

We have also been distributing a bargaining survey to develop the most representative bargaining goals possible. Postdoctoral researchers all across campus are taking the survey to give feedback on what issues we want to address in negotiations with Columbia.

Please take a few minutes to fill out the postdoc union bargaining survey.

A majority of us have signed up for CPW-UAW and we are moving closer to having a formal vote to establish our union. The more of us who fill out a survey, and the more of us who vote ‘yes’ when we have that union election, the more effectively we can negotiate a fair contract for all postdoctoral researchers at Columbia to address issues such as sexual harassment and secure workplace rights. Please complete the survey here.

All the best,

Members of Columbia Postdoctoral Workers (CPW-UAW)