We are excited to have completed our fourth bargaining session with Columbia.

Please take a minute to add your voice to our Open Letter on Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination.

While we had productive discussion on several proposals such as; Union Management Committee, Training and Orientation, Work Load and Workspace and Materials, it is clear that that we have a lot more work to do to on several other provisions in the contract. In several of Columbia’s counter proposals, the University continues to propose maintaining the status quo on current policies while simultaneously reserving the right to change those  policies without bargaining with our union.

We voted overwhelmingly to have an equal seat at the table and collectively bargain to improve our working conditions. We want to have clear, enforceable language in our contract and Columbia continues to insist on the status quo in which they would have the right to unilaterally change and determine our working conditions. In the University’s counter proposals on Leaves, Holidays, Vacation and Job Postings they proposed having language that would not even codify the status quo but would simply allow the university to determine those policies outside of our contract.

The University gave us counter proposals on Union Management Committee, Training and Orientation, Work Load,  Workspace and Materials, Leaves, Job Postings, Union Rights and Access, Appointment Notification and Employment Files.

We gave counters on Employment Files, Union Management Committee, Training and Orientation, Vacation and Holidays.



CPW-UAW Bargaining Committee