This is a reminder about our virtual December membership meeting tonight at 7pm.  We will discuss the election of Stewards and about upcoming committees with the administration regarding new policy against workplace bullying and the status of pay-direct postdocs in our unit. 

In addition, we will decide whether to support the initiative from UAW Academic Locals to send this letter to the Biden administration and the tuition strike of undergraduate students at Columbia University. [See the full proposed agenda below.]

RSVP for the meeting here

In order to vote at this meeting you must be a member of CPW-UAW Local 4100. If you are receiving this email you have not signed up as a member yet. Click here to fill in a membership card

Proposed Agenda

  • Call to order – 1min
  • Additions/changes/deletions to the agenda – 2min
  • Approval of agenda – 1min
  • Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting – 2min
  • Election committee update about Stewards election – 8min
  • Tuition strike at Columbia – 15min
  • Report and discussion from UAW Academic Locals letter to Biden – 20min
  • Bullying Committee – 10min
  • Executive Board reports – 5min
  • Update about Columbia’s COVID-19 vaccination program – 5min
  • Does anyone know of a member in distress or have general announcements or updates – 5min
  • Adjournment – 1min

TOTAL 1hr 15min

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or suggestions, 

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board