Huge news! The regional National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) just set dates for our election on unionization to take place on October 2nd and 3rd. We are happy to report that the regional NLRB rejected Columbia’s attempt to deny more than 1,000 of us the ability to vote at all, and further agreed with our proposal for Postdoctoral Research Scientists/Scholars/Fellows and Associate Research Scientists/Scholars to vote on and be represented together in the same union. Click here to share with us why you plan to vote union yes!

If a majority votes “yes” for CPW-UAW in the election, Columbia would have a legal obligation to engage in collective bargaining with us as a union. We would elect a committee of our peers to sit down as equals with Columbia to negotiate for improvements that matter to us as committed scientists and scholars.  We would join together with thousands of postdocs at the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, University of Washington, UMass, and UConn, and 75,000 total UAW academic workers across the United States, who already bargain. Check here to read examples of improvements our UAW colleagues have won at other universities.

You can read the full regional NLRB decision here and see below for voting times and locations.  We will be sharing more detailed information about the election soon, as well as upcoming events where postdocs can learn more in order to make an informed decision in this historic vote.

October 2nd (Tuesday ONLY):

Manhattanville, Jerome L. Greene Science Center               1pm-3pm

Lamont Doherty, Sutton House                                       11am-1pm

Nevis Laboratory, Irvington, NY, Library 136 Broadway 10am-11am


October 2nd and 3rd (Tuesday AND Wednesday):

Morningside, Earl Hall                                                   10am-2pm, 3pm-7pm

CUMC, Hammer Building                                             10am-2pm, 3pm-7pm


Members of the CPW-UAW Organizing Committee