In this email you will find: 

  • Next steps for our union statement on Israel and Palestine
  • Process going forward to discuss statements like this one
  • Implementing and building on our contract: Raises, Anti-Bullying committee, Retirement benefits
  • Reminder: UAW Region 9A Forum on Civil Rights and the AAPI Experience. Details here.

Next steps for our union statement on Israel and Palestine

Last week, as a result of a membership vote, we had a discussion about the situation in Israel and Palestine, which highlighted the diversity of views within our membership. While establishing a common ground was difficult, we were able to listen to each other and get a little closer to a common understanding.

Based on this discussion, the Executive Board has written a draft statement on this topic which reflects an attempt to represent the diverse views of members who attended the meeting. Given the current ceasefire, we have the opportunity to ensure that this statement reflects the values of our membership and makes a clear ask from our government. If you would like to propose amendments to this statement, please email by Friday June 4. If major amendments are proposed, we will share them here, so everyone has a chance to think about them. We will vote on the final version of the statement at the end of the next membership meeting on June 14.

Process going forward to discuss statements like this one

In order to make future discussions more efficient, we suggest that members who want to propose statements of solidarity for endorsement by the membership provide written language for discussion, amendments, and voting. As an example: 

  • Member(s) who want to propose a statement of solidarity would provide such a statement to the E-Board so that it can be shared with the unit ahead of a membership meeting. 
  • Any members could then suggest amendments to the statement before or at the membership meeting. 
  • A vote on the statement and proposed amendments would take place at the membership meeting.
  • As stated in our bylaws, if a statement is time sensitive, a special membership meeting can be called and/or the E-board can agree on a statement. 

 Such a process would ensure that discussion is more centered and everyone’s voice is heard. 

Upcoming actions and contract enforcement

In addition, we are continuing to work on enforcing the new rights guaranteed in our first contract and improving our working conditions further. Some upcoming opportunities to do so are as follows: 

  • Every member of our unit will receive at least a 2.5% raise, regardless of Columbia’s  salary freeze, either on July 1st, or on the anniversary of their appointment date, depending which campus you are based. If you would like more details about how this applies to you please reach out to your steward and/or the Executive Board. 
  • We will soon start discussions with the administration for university-wide protections against power-based harassment or bullying. This is an opportunity for Columbia to be a national leader in establishing solutions for Postdoctoral researchers against this endemic issue in Academia. 
  • We are scheduling a discussion of cuts to our retirement benefits and other austerity measures implemented by the university, and how we can fight back. 
  • Through our working groups, we continue to seek means  of improving the working conditions of parents, to fight racism and enhance diversity and inclusion in Academia, and much more. 

Click here if you want to get involved in these or any other issues, or sign up for a working group and send any suggestions to the Executive Board at

In solidarity,

CPW-UAW Local 4100 Executive Board

P.S. – To stay informed about our union, make sure to follow us on Slack, Twitter and Facebook!