Our July membership meeting will take place on Thursday July 21 at 6:30pm in hybrid mode: both in person at CUIMC [room TBD] and on zoom. Use one of the links below to RSVP.
RSVP to attend the membership meeting in person.
RSVP to attend the membership meeting on zoom.
This meeting will be the last one before the UAW Constitutional Convention (held in Detroit on July 25-29). This Constitutional convention is historic in many ways for UAW. After the victory of the direct election voting system (one member = one vote) members in our union are discussing and will decide how to rebuild our union nationally, prepare for the times ahead and build more power for workers in the workplace and society as a whole.
Among some important topics that will be discussed:
- whether to form a new region, Region 6, in the West Coast, which will include several Academic Locals (like University of California and University of Washington);
- whether we should have a ranked choice voting system to elect our national leadership (International Executive Board)
- and other priorities for our union, like whether to support Medicare For All, Climate Justice bills and initiatives, or invest resources to unionize the Electric vehicles sector.
Our Local will send one delegate and one alternate, who will vote on amendments to the constitution and other resolutions related to our National Union. While we won’t know the final resolutions until the day our delegates register on Sunday, July 24, we would like to discuss some resolutions that may come to a vote at the convention. Please, follow the links below to read them and bring you thoughts on what you would like our representatives to bring up during the Convention (we may get some more before Thursday and we will share them).
- Resolutions from the Higher Ed Academic Locals on the West Coast
- Resolutions from Unite All Workers for Democracy Caucus (UAWD)
In addition, we will have our monthly Finances and Executive Board reports and discuss some important steps in preparation for our next contract campaign.
In solidarity,
CPW-UAW Executive Board
P.S. – To stay informed about our union, make sure to check our website columbiapostdocunion.org, and follow us on Twitter, and Facebook.