This email is a reminder that we have a Special Membership meeting this Thursday – please follow the link above to RSVP to one of the physical or virtual attendance! As a reminder, as a membership meeting, this meeting covers both units (Columbia and Mt. Sinai). 

The agenda for this meeting is as follows:

  • Voting on a bylaws amendment proposed by a member (more information below);
  • Opening elections for open Trustee, Steward and Head Steward positions at both units;
  • Reviewing our Finance Report; and
  • Discussing ongoing bargaining with the union of staff organizers;
  • Upcoming events & socials

All members have the right to propose an amendment to the bylaws, that is then voted on by membership at a membership meeting. All bylaws votes require a ⅔ majority vote to pass. We recently had a member proposal, which reads as follows: “The Union can issue a statement boycotting or condemning a nation or group, other than in support of the collective bargaining process, only with the approval of the majority of its members, as distinct from a majority of those voting”. At our upcoming membership meeting we will briefly discuss and then vote on this proposal. 

UAW Region 9A has endorsed Eli Northrup, a public defender and former UAW member, in the race for State Assembly in district 69, which includes Columbia campus. Our Local Union is organizing a canvassing event on Sunday, June 9th, from 1-4pm, to help spread the word about his campaign. RSVP here to join us.

In solidarity,

Local 4100 Executive Board and Organizing Committees


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