🗓️💫Key scheduling points:

  • Join Mount Sinai Postdoc’s strike picket lines in solidarity, 9am to 5pm daily on Madison Ave between 99th and 100th Streets. Today, we are attending at noon! Reply to this email if you can join and donate to their strike hardship fund.
  • Our Morningside Winter Social is Dec 12th, 5pm onwards in Fairchild Room 700 >> RSVP
  • Our December membership meeting will be Dec 14th @ 6:30 pm! Agenda & info below! >> RSVP
  • Our CUMC Social is Dec 18th @ 5pm onwards in P&S 12-460 >> RSVP

🌀Here are some key items for the membership meeting agenda:

Discussing the potential amalgamation with the Mt. Sinai postdocs:

  • Columbia Postdocs have supported Mount Sinai postdocs while they were forming a union, and our campaigns have coordinated closely on our contract campaigns.
  • Mt. Sinai postdocs (SPOC) continue to bargain their first contract and are currently ON STRIKE!
  • Once they have a contract, they will formalize their union. Our region (UAW 9A) has asked that we consider joining together with SPOC to create a combined (‘amalgamated’) union of postdocs.
  • We will discuss and vote on this topic – here are some details on this process.

Contract Implementation: Updates on raises and lump sum payments

  • New Committees: Forming new committees to help with setting up the Hardship Fund, representing International Workers Issues, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, and additionally a Civil and Human Rights committee. Sign up here if you are interested!

A financial motion to hire legal counsel to help with negotiating a contract with our Local’s staff:

  • As previously mentioned, our staff member is part of a union representing other UAW international and local staff. Bargaining is ongoing (see demands HERE), for a contract that will cover our Local’s staff, meaning our Local is on the ‘management’ side of this process.
  • This bargaining process requires time & resources. We can hire legal counsel to assist with this, which would cost ~$300/hour, likely for several hours per month.

Our Union Local has ongoing elections! Don’t forget to nominate yourself for steward and Executive board positions. The deadline is Monday December 11th 11:59pm. Check here for more details.

Come join your union colleagues to celebrate the season and our recently won contract with some fun and camaraderie! At two different locations:

Morningside Campus – Fairchild, Room 700 – Tuesday Dec 12th

CUMC Campus – P&S, Room 12-460 – Monday Dec 18th

Both from 5pm onwards!


In solidarity,

Executive & Organizing Committees


Want to stay informed? Check out our website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and join our and Slack​.