July 18th, 11:30 AM @ Studebaker (Manhatanville), Room 465
Informal Organizing Committee notes
Your participation in Bargaining is very much appreciated! Join us in person or on our Slack channel to share your opinion/thoughts/concerns.
Take home message – CU Admin doesn’t want to discuss much until we tentatively agreed or propose alternative language to all the articles.
Bargaining starts at 11:58am.
We begin by saying this will be a shorter session and that we’re currently working on a bigger counter-proposal that will encompass everything else. The main two things we’ll present are art. 12 international employees and bathroom equity.
- In ART. 12: INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYEES – we’re proposing that the university will pay for necessary administrative visa fees, and we’re removing their language that made these reimbursements contingents on the PI having funding
- Re: bathroom equity – we will remove our changes in Art 28: WORKSPACE AND MATERIALS if they agree to adding the same language we had before (here) to their miscellaneous side letter.
- We also made the point again that we are pending to receive the guidelines regarding their decisions about allowing remote work for postdocs/ARSs – which were mentioned in a previous session.
They said they don’t want to discuss anything until they have a complete offer from us.
They bring up the anti-bullying working group saying that after the Provost announces the final guidelines the group will start meeting likely every other week, and that they want 2 representatives from our unit.
Short is short. We discuss next steps and they’re now caucusing and will come back maybe with counters or with just a date when we meet next
At 12:22 PM the session ends.
Read the notes from the other sessions!
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