The two (2) candidates who receive the highest number of votes will be elected. All eligible Union supporters [any Columbia Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Associate Research Scientist, or Associate Research Scholar who is currently employed by the university] who have filled out a CPW-UAW authorization card or a bargaining survey are eligible to vote. Members of the bargaining unit who have not done so may fill out an authorization card at the polls prior to voting.
Elections will take place on Thursday, October 17th, 2019 at the following times and locations.
- Morningside: 10am-12pm, 1pm-6pm, in Joe’s Cafe in the Northwest Corner Building
- CUMC: 10am-12pm, 1pm-6pm, in Hammer Health Sciences Building, Room LL1-104
- Lamont: 10am-2pm, in the Cafeteria
- Manhattanville: 10am-12pm, 1pm-4pm, Forum cafe (The Forum)
A run-off election, if necessary, will be held on Thursday, October 24th, 2019 from 10am to 6pm. The locations will be announced if necessary.
Voters shall be entitled to vote for a total of two (2) candidates.