Membership Meeting

Our July membership meeting will be Monday, July 19th at 8:30pm.  

RSVP here to attend our membership meeting

In a last minute addittion to the agenda, we will be joined by Rafael Jaime, President of UAW Local 2865 in the University of California to talk to us about the recent Higer Ed Labor summit that is presenting  this Vision platform that our Local will have the chance to decide whether to support.

In addittion, we will discuss our campaign to win protections against bullying/power-based harassment, the upcoming UAW referendum on one member one vote, and plans for our first anniversary as a Local union. We will finish with our monthly financial and membership reports.

As a reminder let us know what is important to you going forward by filling out this short survey:

Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or thoughts at

As a reminder, to conduct discussions and votes in an orderly manner at our membership meetings, we follow the parliamentary procedure used in most Local Unions and community organization meetings outlined in Robert’s Rules of Order. You can find a cheat sheet with the most commonly used rules here. If you have any questions about how to use these rules during the meeting, always feel free to ask. As a new local union, we are all learning together and there are no wrong questions.