March to defend women, queer and workers’ rights
As the union of Columbia Postdocs and Associate Researchers we collectively face our employer to defend our rights and better our working conditions. However, there are singular moments in history when we are collectively called to defend the rights of our society in their entirety.
Today’s Dobbs v Jackson decision of the Supreme Court officially overturns Roe v Wade, which has protected women’s rights to make decisions about their body, wellness and health since 1973. Now, these decisions are left to the single States, which will result in abortion being prohibited in large parts of the country. In addition, Justice Thomas stated that the Supreme Court should reconsider other rulings that protect contraception, same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage. Decisions like these add to the lack of support for working parents and children, the absence of affordable childcare, attacks on public education, and unaffordable health care.
This is a direct attack on women, queer, BIPOC and underpriviliged workers all across the country, aiming to create divisions among us and weaken our collective voices. As union members we want to send a strong message that an injury to one is an injury to all. As we decided during our two last membership meetings, we are coordinating with other UAW Locals to march and protest together. Please RSVP in the links below if you want to coordinate and march with fellow UAW members.
- TONIGHT 6/24: at 6:30pm at Washington Sq. Park
- SUNDAY 6/26- the Queer Liberation March at 1pm on Foley Sq. will also send a strong message to defend bodily autonomy and reproductive justice.
In Solidarity,
CPW-UAW Executive Board