Candidate Forum for UAW Region 9A Director
Over the next six weeks, the entire UAW membership will decide who is elected to the highest positions in the UAW International Union for the next four years. Please update your mailing address here TODAY to ensure that you receive a paper ballot later this month!
One of the most important races in these quadrennial elections is for the position of Director of UAW Region 9A, the Region our Local Union is located within. The two Candidates running for this position are Beverley Brakeman and Brandon Mancilla. In order for the membership to participate in this election in an informed capacity, we are hosting a Candidate Forum TOMORROW, October 11, 2022, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm EDT. It will be moderated by Barbara Madeloni, Education Coordinator at Labor Notes and a former president of the Massachusetts Teachers Association.
The questions that will be asked at the Candidate Forum were written by workers across all three UAW Local Unions at Columbia University⏤specifically, by members of the Student Workers of Columbia–UAW Local 2710, the Columbia Postdoctoral Workers–UAW Local 4100, and the Columbia Support Staff–UAW Local 2110.
Watch it TOMORROW, October 11, 2022, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm EDT on Zoom here:
If you miss it, you can watch the recording at your convenience on YouTube here:
You can read the Candidate Forum Rules here:
And the Candidate Forum Program here:
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Want to learn more about these upcoming elections? Click here and here!