(1/n) Last year, we won a historic contract, including the first-ever guaranteed housing rights for researchers in the U.S.!
We secured:
🏠 Guaranteed housing rights
⏳ 1-month grace period for first rent & deposit
📉 2% cap on annual rent increases
But there's more work to do!…

Check out @UAW voices throughout this feature on postdoc unionization! From @urfu_uaw to @nihfellowsunite, @HAWorkers , @rupostdocunion, and @eruuaw, we are building a movement for the future of higher education

Please join us 9/24/24 at 6pm for a Mobilize Voters Workshop! This year is an election year in the USA and as researchers we have many topics we care about that relate to the outcome of the election. Everyone in the University is invited to attend. A 2nd part will be held 10/16.

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