We hosted 2 town halls yesterday, in Manhattan and on RI, to update our community on progress and roadblocks in bargaining. We were joined by @spocuaw postdocs who shared how they overcame opposition and won a fair contract that benefits all members of the postdoc community.

(1/n) Last year, we won a historic contract, including the first-ever guaranteed housing rights for researchers in the U.S.!
We secured:
🏠 Guaranteed housing rights
⏳ 1-month grace period for first rent & deposit
📉 2% cap on annual rent increases
But there's more work to do!…

Check out @UAW voices throughout this feature on postdoc unionization! From @urfu_uaw to @nihfellowsunite, @HAWorkers , @rupostdocunion, and @eruuaw, we are building a movement for the future of higher education

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